Getting the Money that you are worth

This is a much disputed theme amongst homeopaths and to some extent, it is regional or national. When I was doing a marketing course in homeopathy, I was asked one of those questions you ask your patient: describe your ideal day, and what do you need in life?

My ideal day started with a swim in the river (never happened yet), time for a good breakfast, (that does happen), and then I would like 2-3 cases a day. Good, said my tutor. So what are your outgoings?

With my partner I have a classic yacht to maintain, two houses, two cats, and a mound of related living expenses. You literally have to work it out on the back of the nearest envelope.

She went on: What would you like to have in the future? I would like to have the money to visit my family in the UK, said I.

More numbers on the back of another envelope.

It is important to realise this: when you take on a new patient and take their full case, you are probably going to enable them to  significantly change their life for the better, because their health will change for the better. This is what homeopathy is about. You have to think about what that is worth and how you value your skills and time.

Your patients will come back for a follow up. They will come back in the future, often with their families. They will want to tell their friends about homeopathy and what you have helped them to achieve. When you believe this, you will breathe new life into your every working hour. You are a professional and should be recognised as such.

We can all contribute to making homeopathy an attractive career for many people. Never undervalue yourself or what you do. Now, go grab yourself some envelopes to scrawl on.


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