Janis Wasserman

Dip Hom

Janis Wasserman, owner of Essence Homeopathy NZ, qualified in early 2021 with a Diploma in Homeopathy (Human), from the College of Natural Health and Homeopathy.

Growing up in Knysna, South Africa, with an abundance of natural healing plants, Janis developed a curiosity and desire to understand nature and balance in life and health. Even as a child she would try to heal any ailments with natural home remedies.

With a keen interest in Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Pathology, Janis has a way of making connections between seemingly unrelated symptoms, and understanding what is at the root of the issues to be addressed.

This passion for helping others naturally drew her to homeopathy after being introduced to it first when she became a mother. These past few years Janis has practiced mostly via online consultations as needs dictated.

From 2023 Janis has focused more on her role as moderator in online forums, and in assisting newcomers to homeopathy to understand the foundational principles of homeopathy so that they may safely yet confidently prescribe at home for acute conditions when appropriate.

Janis believes good health should be accessible to all, and dreams of a time when cost and knowledge are not obstacles to cure. 

If you’d like to contact Janis, or find out more about Essence Homeopathy NZ, please get in touch.


My mission is to engage individuals in a conversation about health and what this means to them.

My wish is that open dialogue will spark curiosity, which will in turn encourage individuals to play a consciously active role in their health choices.

As a mother of two children on the Autism Spectrum, with ADHD, I have used homeopathy to minimise the problematic behaviours without the need for medications.

Homeopathy has been utilised in my family for everyday lumps, bumps, scratches, and scrapes, and for the less frequent occasions where health may be impacted following grief, change, or other big life moments or trauma.

Wherever you are on your journey to health and wellness, I look forward to sharing homeopathy with you.