Kate Fitness

BSc RC Hom  Registered Homeopath

Kate Fitness is a registered Homeopath and has been running Family Homeopathy for eleven years.

Before that, she worked in a clinical setting with Naturopaths where she broadened her skill base working with testing and supplements in collaboration with other practitioners for four years.

Kate has been a high school science teacher for twenty three years, before she went into natural medicine. She lives in Whangaparaoa and has networked extensively with other practitioners and business groups.

As well as general practice, Kate's focus is mental health for adults and children, as a Homeopath.  Kate has experience running her own clinic, but the disruption of the past few years has made it easier to work from home near Arkles Bay, Whangaparaoa.

Homeopathy, like all things, is constantly evolving. There are always new and exciting remedies and methodologies to learn about. To keep up with new developments,  Kate has founded a very successful study group for practicing Homeopaths with over 30 members. With Jess Coleman, she runs another group for student Homeopaths and for those not currently practicing. Kate lives her whole life with homeopathy on her mind, and enjoys meeting people as the focus of her job is finding out about their life experiences, as part of the consultation process.

Kate was born in the UK but moved to New Zealand with her family over 20 years ago, having married a Kiwi.  They own a classic yacht and sail as often as possible in the Hauraki Gulf. In the winter, the boat needs a lot of looking after.

She is a keen photographer and less of a gardener - more of a controller of bush invasion! She has two adult children who were brought up with homeopathy.

If you’d like to contact Kate, or find out more about an appointment, please get in touch.


I’m a people person and I am keen to have a deep understanding of their background where they have come from.

It is important when you have issues with your health or your family’s health that you are allowed to tell your story from the start and to be completely listened to. This is the essence of a homeopathic consultation: the need to be heard. Sometimes it is your birth story that is really significant, often it is trauma you have had to survive in your lifetime. I hear from people who have not been really heard for decades and that is very distressing.

You may have come in to tell me about a recent health issue that is classed as an acute, but then you mention that you received a bump to the head a few years ago and things have never been the same since.

Teenagers are a group of people who have had it hard in recent years and the levels of bullying and manipulation in schools seem to be at an all time high. As a high school teacher of 23 years, I am very comfortable chatting to teenagers about any of their current health challenges and together we find remedies that will ease their pain.

I am happy working with any aspect of health but there are always people with a different experience or perspective and sometimes a surprising remedy to reduce and ease symptoms. I live my life through homeopathy and when someone is talking, I sometimes have to stop myself thinking of a remedy that just might be perfect for them. It is actually quite a healthy obsession.


My Story

I learnt about homeopathy quite early in life from my sister-in-law, who is an amazing Homeopath who now works with Health Kinesiology. Learning from her I was able to treat my children for acutes. When my daughter was about 15, she said she wanted to see a doctor. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she had never been to a doctor and she wanted to see what it was like.

I lived abroad in Turkey and Greece for 8 years working in tourism and it was always useful to have my homeopathic kit with me to stop things going from bad to worse while sailing around the Mediterranean.

Teaching Science for 23 years I learnt a lot about people in general, but particularly teenagers. I quickly learnt if someone was telling the truth or not and the dynamic of the classroom, picking up where people were struggling. This has helped me understand situations over the years and in clinic.

I spent four years working in a clinic with other practitioners and that really put me through my paces as a Homeopath, with a large volume of cases each day. I learnt a lot from other practitioners as well. It helped me grow as a professional. Now, working from home, I have a vast resource in my colleagues and ongoing development as a homeopath with my study group. I have networked extensively with my community and feel very much that this is my happy place.