How to Start With Homeopathy

The First Steps to Using Homeopathy for Yourself and Your Family

Homeopathic remedies are made from any substance - plants, minerals or animals (ie the milk of a mammal or a feather from a bird).

The right remedy triggers the natural healing process in a person.

Although there are thousands of different remedies, don’t worry! There are very common and well-known remedies for each at-home ailment.

These remedies will be the most useful in your household.

How Do I Use It?

Using homeopathy starts with noticing things about the person who is unwell.

Information like what makes things better or worse, what triggered the illness, what the issue actually looks like from colour to discharge to smell. Mental emotional symptoms are important too - such as irritability, weeping, anger, anxiety and fear.

Once you have this information you can look for the remedy to match.

Some things are much easier than others to select a remedy for. Things such as bruises and bumps, burns and bites, boils and cuts are more straightforward than coughs, colds, flus and other illnesses which may have a number of different symptoms - some of which may change as the illness progresses.

A good rule of thumb dosing for more complicated at-home complaints one dose every 15 minutes for up to 3 doses. If there is no change, then it is likely not the right remedy. If the symptoms ease, then you can repeat the remedy when the symptoms return, or change the remedy if the symptoms change.

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